Due by Feb. 20, 2009
- Get a gMail account if you don't already have one. Send a message from your gMail account to: reader.david@gmail.com and tell me: For LIBR 233, my email address is: __________.
- Create your own iGoogle page. Use the book In Command to assist you in creating the basic three tabs in your page. You can have whatever else you want on this page to assist you in managing this class and your own personal information space.
- Create a Google Presentations (competition to PowerPoint) demo complete with speaker's notes and upload this to Angel by Feb. 20, 2009. Create screen captures of your iGoogle page and Blogger page that demonstrates the use of RSS feeds. Here are the elements: Demonstrate the features of your own iGoogle page; Create a sample student iGoogle page; Show a sample assignment blog where the classroom teacher can present an assignment and where the teacher librarian and the students can comment or ask questions about that assignment; show the RSS feed linking the teacher assignment to the student's iGoogle page.
- Add an RSS feed to your iGoogle page that links you to each of the assignment blogs: First Month's Assignments, Second Month's Assignments, and Third Month's Assignments.
- Upload your assignments the first day of each month beginning March 1 to Angel.
Overview of the class:
In this class, we look at three of five elements of the learning commons. The four program areas of the library media program are:
The Reading Program
The Technology Program designed to enhance learning and teaching
The program of Collaboration designed to build quality learning experiences with teachers in an information-rich and technology-rich environment
The Information Literacy Program designed to help every learner know how to learn
In addition to these program elements, they all rest on the
Organizational and infrastructure elements of the learning commons infrastructure
In LIBR 233, we concentrate on the first two of the above elements. In LIBR 250, we concentrate on the last two elements. Together, these two courses assist you in the building of a total library media program linked to student achievement. We will also consider organizational elements.
The knowledge base will be constructed by teams of students using wikis at http://libr233synthesisfall2007.pbwiki.com
We also create a bibliography together for this class and post it on our pathfinder wiki at http://libr233pathfinder.pbwiki.com
You will be assessed on the quality of your contribution to the knowledge base. In this class, you will also create a group Virtual Learning Commons and begin to build or revise the virtual learning commons for your own school.
The final product for this class is the Vision Project which is a presentation you can give to a faculty member and/or administrator.
-A major vision statement concentrating on the first two program elements but also covering the entire four.
-An actual presentation for a real or imaginary school leadership team
-A publishable article for an audience other than school library media teachers
Current professional books are reviewed by the instructor for the periodical Teacher Librarian. At: http://www.teacherlibrarian.com/. The reviews on this site are supplemented with reviews on a wiki at: http://professionalreviews.pbwiki.com/
Class Links:
libr233 pathfinder wiki
libr233 synthesis wiki
Just to clarify: The Google Presentations demo we upload is strictly to show the screen captures that display the required elements of our iGoogle and Blogger pages? Are we to explain our screen captures using speaker's notes?
I was wondering also what the subject of our Google Presentation is to be. Is the purpose to use this tool to (potentially) show others how they can use iGoogle to make their own pages or just to explain our own pages to others?
I was also wondering when the presentation is due. I was confused as to what is due on the 15th and what is due on the 20th?
Where do I find " In Command"?
I have the same question as Gillisbooks.
I am also unsure how to setup an RSS feed.
Hi Isabel,
I bought In Command using the LMC source website:
Good luck!
Hi Jalee,
I had a little problem setting up the RSS feed too. Did you set up your igoogle page yet? If you click on Add Stuff on the right hand side of the screen it'll take to to a list of gadget you can add...Then take a look at the left side of the screen and you should see an orange square icon with the words Add feed or gadget...if you click on that it'll open up a box. Just open up our class website and paste in the link and there it is! Hope that helps...
Your iGppgle presentation is an assignment for the class and I am the audience, but we might as well have you create it for a principal or a group of teachers. That is the reason for the presenter notes so that I know the purpose of the picture above and you have notes to review before you make the presentation to the faculty. I hope that makes sense.
In Command as well as other textbooks can be ordered from LMCSource.com on the web and if you put in code 1234, you get a 20% discount.
We will clarify due dates the first night on Elluminate. And that reminds me, our first Elluminate class is next Monday evening Feb. 2. You can link in through the SLISweb page and since there are many many folks in this class, try to be early. I think the link goes active 15 min. before class and you can test your mic so that you know you can talk. If you are not comfortable with Elluminate, practice between now and then in the various tutorials and the sandbox on Elluminate itself.
If you are still struggling with the iGoogle presentation this week, don't panic. We will be demoing it in class and everybody can chime in with tips, etc.
It looks like we can only subscribe to the comments of the assignments blog and not the moderator postings. Is this the case?
Matt- I had the same issue/question regarding the RSS feeds...
I am working on adding the ability for students to also include an RSS feed for comments so that we can all be updated when someone posts to the blog comments. It's proving a little more difficult than anticipated because the actual settings on the blog don't match the ones described in Blogger's help.
I have emailed a real webmaster friend and I am waiting for his response. Thanks for your patience everyone as I work this out! :)
Best, Tiffany
That would be great, Tiffany. Thank you.
We will co ver the iGoogle presentation using Google Docs in class and give you some hints on how to add speaker's notes to the visuals.
There are two things you can do with your iGoogle presentation. The first is to demonstrate to me that you understand this entire process, but you might as well make something you can show to others at the same tiem.
We now have an RSS feed for comments so that you can add this feed to your iGoogle page!
If you have trouble adding the rss feed to your page, don't worry! I'll be demonstrating this in tonight's meeting.
Hi: How do we put hyperlinks to our favorite websites on our iGoogle page? THANK YOU.
Hello class, I am experimenting with the free online discussion forums at www.tangler.com. I have created a private discussion forum that requires me to invite users. I am unsure of the capabilities of the forum without some additional participants...so if anyone is interested in taking the maiden voyage just send me an e-mail and I will "invite" you. It looks like it might be geared toward synchronous chat, but it has the ability to add multiple topics for asynchronous discussion as well...which would make it better than a blog. Like I said it is hard to tell without at least one other user. Of course if anyone comes across something better for discussion let us know. My email is msouza220@gmail.com
Eric Dietz pointed out that we can use the Google Notebook gadget to post hyperlinks on our Igoogle page. Hey, I just tried it and it works!
On #4, it says to "Add an RSS feed to your iGoogle page that links you to each of the assignment blogs: First Month's Assignments, Second Month's Assignments, and Third Month's Assignments." I have been able to add an RSS feed that links to the entire LIBR233Assignments site but not the individual sites. Is there a trick that I am missing? I am able to link to the comments of the individual assignments but not the posts themselves. Any help would be appreciated. -Jung Ah
We could use Google Groups to have a conversation, we all already have a google account. We would just need Tiffany to form the group and invite us as users.
Like Angel or Blackboard, it allows threaded conversations.
Just a thought.
I'm just checking to see how this posting works. I also think we should probably stick with this system as Professor Loertscher mentioned and if it doesn't work well for us, then let him know. I agree that setting up a discussion in Angel would be the easiest thing to do.
Regarding the posting format, I tend to agree with Lisa. Let's stick with this to mimic the experience students might have responding to your teacher blogs.
I have received a few questions via email that I thought I would post to the group and for Dr. Loertscher's response.
From Joanne:
The assignment says to create "screen captures" of my iGoogle page and a Blogger page. Does the Blogger page mean my blog for the 233 class or the teacher blog I need to create?
The assignment also says the I should create a sample student iGoogle page. Should this be separate from my iGoogle page with the 3 tabs?
Should the sample teacher assignment blog have fake comments from students and the teacher if I am not actually going to use it? How long should it be? I am assuming that my 233 blog isn't this teacher blog?
Reading Log question-How should the format be for the reading log? I know I am to read 50min and record for 10min. Should I do it in a chart with the date, title, time, and notes? Can the recording be in bullet points or should it follow a specific note-taking format.
I have many of the same questions... Thanks for asking those questions Joanne. I think we get only get one iGoogle page per Google account so I am assuming that the student iGoogle page should be one of the three tabs from our iGoogle page. Does anybody have more than one iGoogle page?
I would also prefer a threaded discussion. If each post to this blog was short and focused on one topick, it would be easy to have a discussion on questions, comments and answers regarding that post but since each post of this blog contains a substantial amount of information, many different questions can arise and thus it is difficult to have a discussion using this system. So when I create my sample teacher blog, I think I will try to keep my postings short and focused to one topic only.
For those of you who are wondering how to allow more than 3 of the 233 assignment blog postings to show on your iGoogle page, I did a quick demo with Jing to show you how easy it is! :)
Let me know if you have any problems viewing the video.
Thanks, Tiffany
Thanks Tiffany. Yes that helped!
About threaded discussions:
We are doing an experiment here to simulate the IGoogle-type system as a part of the virtual learning commons. The old method is just to have the teacher give out the assignment, So, I am playing that role. Our objective is to turn a one-way assignment into a conversation. So, you as the teacher librarian set up a blog for interested teachers who are doing major learning commons projects. Who can comment? The teacher who is giving the assignmnet, The students who is asing clarification of the assignment, the teacher librarian who is looking to help (Tiffany in this case - but we are going to be joined by the King Librari Lieason to our school), and we could add specialists such as a reading coach in the school or an outside expert, and we could even add parents.
You are all spoiled by an expensive system of Blackboard and now Angle that has sophisticated discussions. We are experimenting with as much free Web .20 stuff as we can thinking that schools can't afford the fancy systems.
Matt found a free threaded discussion that he and I are going to discuss. But for a couple of weeks here, let's simulate this entire conversational mode of assignments - an innovation, I think, with the simple Blogger so that we gain the experienc.
Web 2.0 stuff keeps getting better and better.
At FETC, I discovered a new system that will do very very similar things that costs about $4000 for a school year for 2,000 users. I am negotiating with this company. Perhaps we will have them demo for us.
So put your commenst and questions and tips on this blog and then we will move on as we all get more sophisticated.
About the iGoogle assignemnt.
The major purpose for the iGoogle assignment is to demonstrate to me, the teacher, that you understand how to turn learning commons assignments from one way commands from teachers into conversations.
At the same time, we might as well create a presentation we could use with an administrator, a group of teachers, or even parents.
My presentation in class was one I used in Florida last week. It had about the same elements but a bit different than the one I suggested you turn into me. So here is a review.
Start with a title slide.
Next, show your own iGoogle page and what you have put on it to control your own information space.
Next, show a sample student iGoogle page. This will be a fictitions example, probably, but some of you might have students who would allow you to take a screen shot of something they created.
Next, you will have a sample teacher assignment blog. This can be a real one or a created example.
Then you are demonstrating on a slide that there is a connection between the teacher assignment blog and the student's personal iGoogle page using an RSS feed. And as we have discovered using Blogger, we can have both the main assignment text beam out to the students if changed as well as the comments that are added to the page.
So, if you already have the comments fed to your personal iGoogle page then you are automatically receiving the two posts that I have added this evening.
What we really want to do is out Google Google. We, as teacher librarians, want kids who are doing projects to get advice from us, not just during a library visit, but continually from start to finish of a learning commons project.
Hope this helps a bit.
Oh, one other advantage and that is that the conversation happens 24/7. It's after midnight here. Perhaps this is not an advantage?
I'm making a Teacher's Blog model- I'm just wondering how did you make it so that when I RSS Feed it to my IGoolge page, each post (each teacher assignment post) would be subdivided?
RE: RSS feeds from assignments blog.
I have found that by subscribing to the comments of each post individually I will have the ability to monitor the posts separately. I did this using the "Post Comments (Atom)" link at the bottom of each post page.
I might be wrong, but by using the general "subscribe comments" option you will receive new comments from ALL of the posts, (i.e., Getting Started, First Month's Assignments, etc.) with no way to immediately distinguish which discussion the comment came from.
Just a thought, it is really up to personal preference
I have it both ways and could not decide whether having the RSS feed separately for each of the assignment comments was better than having it in a long list... I like the idea of having them separate but I noticed that the connection between my iGoogle page and the LIBR233Assignments blog is not always so good and 2 out of the 5 (1 for the assignments, 4 for comments) does not get connected properly and displays "the information is currently unavailable" message.
When putting together our teacher's blog, I created as a Librarian as book review site. Is this acceptable or do I need to put together a more formal lesson for the blog?
Has anyone played around with other blogger sites that can be RSS feed sources.
Jung, I think the RSS feed might display "the information is currently unavailable" because there are currently no comments in the Second and Third Month's Assignment posts. I will make a test post right now to check.
RE: Possible free online discussion applications
I agree that Google Groups would also be an excellent tool for threaded discussions. I spoke to Dr. Loertscher and he suggested that we stick to using this blog for the time being.
Yeah, Google groups does look quite easy to use & posts would show up on our iGoogle page. Guess we can look into that later. Good idea!
Matt I see the comment showing up under 2ndd month's assignment comments. You proved yourself right!
I also think it is useful to monitor the comments separately.
Ryan, I don't fully understand where you are with the iGoogle and the teacher's blog but... if you have your teacher's blog on blogger, each individual post gets fed into iGoogle page as a separate "line" in the "RSS feed gadget," just the way we have our RSS feed from this blog.
RE: LMC discount code???
I still don't have my The New Learning Commons book! I've placed the order at Amazon at least a month ago but they still have not shipped it. I finally canceled the order and placed a new order at LMC.
And that 1234 code did not work for me!
I have posted Monday's presentation slides on Angel.
Lessons > Presentation from Elluminate Meeting_Feb. 2, 2009
Hope everyone is having a good week!
Thanks Jung Ah
I was able to figure it out. Thanks...
I hope you are able to get the book. I had to order mine at Amazon becuase IMC does not ship to Saipan
I downloaded my Google Presentation as a PDF as we discussed on Elluminate. My speaker notes from my presentation did not download. Only the slides. What do I do to include the speaker notes onto the PDF?
I think on the example that Tiffany showed.
File > Print
before you press save as pdf.
Click the box "Speaker Notes"
Then save as PDF.
Hope this helps..
Thank you Mr/Mrs Teachme for your help! The PDF including speaker notes is now saved. Appreciate!!!
Can someone tell me how I upload the Google demo (speaker notes) to Angel?? Thanks!
Hello Margaret,
Maybe try this... Since there is no Digital Drop box maybe From Angel go compose a mail and from the 'To' you can select LIBR 233 Faculty mail group and attach your pdf as attachment... Let me know if it works.. if not then maybe we can ask for a digital drop box to be created (like the one in Blackboard)
Sorry if I wasn't clear. But I thought we are supposed to:
-upload the speaker's notes to Google Presentations
-From Google upload to Angel.
Not sure how to do this...or am I missing something?
I thought the Google presenation would be in a form of pdf file when we upload it to Angel.
Angel has a feature similar to the digital dropbox for uploading assignments. Here are the steps to accessing it.
Login to Angel
Click the link for our class
Click the lessons tab at the top of the screen
Click on iGoogle presentation
fill in title and message if applicable
Click attachments to attach your presentation as a PDF
Hit submit.
I haven't done it yet, but I would imagine you should get some kind of message that shows your assignment was received.
iGoogle presentations can be uploaded through the drop box found under the Lessons tab. I will be adding more drop boxes soon for other assignments.
In last week's meeting, I spoke briefly about Jing but did not have the correct url. You can find it at http://www.jingproject.com to quickly and easily take screen shots, short videos, etc.
Things are still not clear to me....
What am I supposed to do after I have the speakers notes in Google? I have them in my Google documents as a PDF.
Also, when I create the sample student page and the sample assignment blog, will these 2 require new gmail accounts? or are they part of the three tabs that i created on my iGoogle page?
Now that you have completed your iGoogle assignment you should upload it to Angel.
Home > Lesson > iGoogle presentation
I talked to Dr. Loertscher about your student/teacher pages question. You can make those on tabs of your own iGoogle page. You don't need to get multiple gmail accounts.
Please let me know if you have other questions.
Thanks, Tiffany
I appreciate what is happening here. In our case, we have you the studnets, me the teacher, and a tech professional discussing the assignment. Because we are on new systems, nobody has all the info and wo we are helping each other accomplish the task. Next time we meet we will begin the conversation about this system of conversation and how the various tools we are using help or hinder the conversation using the various web 2.0 free tools available to most anyone in schools. That is, of course, if tech directors are allowing the access. And, that is a separate issue.
By the time most have successfully uploaded the first assignment, we should have pretty much tamed this angel in red clothes with horns - at least in the beginning stages.
Folks have asked about the Feb 15 deadline or Feb 20 Since there is a discrepancy, the later date will be fine.
Read, read, read. Keep some sort of reflection.
Anyone know how to view the speaker notes when I save my presentation to a pdf?
When posting to the wikis are we supposed to just add our posts as "comments" or should we use the "edit" function and add out post to the bottom of the master document?
You are actually adding to the wikis, not posting comments.
Thanks for posting to the blog so everyone could read your question!
For those of you having problems with RSS here are a few helpful links.
First though, you might want to read your colleagues' comments on this blog. They might have already answered your questions! This is likely as I am receiving many of the same queries over and over.
To understand what RSS is in 4 min:
I also created a step by step tutorial on how to add rss feeds from the blog to your iGoogle page. Go ahead and check it out!
Okay, I've created my blog and linked it to my personal page. I've written three posts, but only the first one shows up on the iGoogle page. I edited the settings so that 4 posts would show, but still only the first one is showing. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Thanks for the help.
Charlama - I was having the same problem and then miraculously my 2nd blog posting showed up. I think maybe it just takes a few minutes for the blog and iGoogle page to get in sync?
Katie and everyone,
Thanks, I took a break from it and after several hours, it is there and all looks good. I guess Brian was right (thanks for emailing me back) it does have a lag time from when you post to when you see it. Thanks again. Whew!! Yeah!!
To get your angel emails sent to your regular e-mail: when in angel go to the preferences icon on the left (looks like a head). Choose the system settings. Scroll down to forwarding address and then choose an option for what angel should do with the forwarded messages.
As promised, here is a link to the jing video I made to insert images into your Google Presentation.
I am an Instructional Technology Coordinator, and much of what we are doing is review for me. I actually have been teaching my staff about many of the same tools! If you want to email me, I am willing to try and help you.
Thanks Brooke. I enjoyed seeing your iGoogle presentation. It is nice to know that you are available for help. Thanks.
I just wanted to thank Susie again for all her help in last night's 233 meeting. I think she did a great job and that it is awesome she volunteered! Yey!
I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend the entirety of last night's meeting. Some of you have requested additional information or clarifying comments about the due dates, points, etc. for assignments.
My first priority is correcting some issues in the current grade book set up on Angel and getting drop boxes put in the Lessons tabs this week. If I have a chance to put an assignment calendar together for you, I will, but I need to handle some Angel infrastructure first.
Thanks for your patience!
Thanks for the video Brooke! I used Jing and saved the images to my own hard drive. Is uploading to screencast.com a better option?
I just got back from an inservice at my school district for how to set up blogs and wikis withing Blackboard. Our library director is totally against anything that doesn't have filters: using iGoogle, Wordpress, etc. when students are involved. I talked to her about this and she said that, in order to qualify for e-rate monies from the government to help pay for tech related costs, it's required to have filters in place. The blog and wiki tools within blackboard mimic exactly what we're using and the whole thing looks really exciting. One nice feature about using blackboard is that all students in the school can enter the site - but no one else (only those enrolled). This way, if you want to post photographs or use first and last names, parents feel safer.
A Funny Wiki Story - one of the other middle school librarians told me that honors kids at her schools were creating wikis (on their own) and dividing up assignments, posting their parts on the wikis, then copy and pasting the other parts, changing a word or two, the font, etc and voila - a completed assignment for a fraction of the work!
And they're collaborating which is pretty cool, Susie ... I was wondering about e-rate money & the restrictions it puts on using certain software. I knew that many school libraries use filters (which block out almost everything) to acquire this funding. My husband had a funny story ... at a department collaboration meeting the other day, the teachers got on the internet to check out their English textbook's website & it was blocked by the filter!
Does anyone have a permission slip for parents to sign allowing their student to create an iGoogle page? My principal is open to letting students do this perhaps, but they would need permission. I'd rather not reinvent the wheel if someone has something already out there. Thanks.
Hi, All,
The link on our first month's assignments for the AASL standards does not work. If anyone else is looking, I found them at the link posted below. -Michele
The AASL link works fine for me when I try it. Does anyone else have trouble with it?
Thank you,
Hi, Tifffany,
It's working fine for me today,too, but yesterday it took me to a page that said the standards had been moved.I had to use their search box to locate them. Maybe they updated their site? Sorry to throw everyone off track.
I'm glad it's working for you today.
I think it's great that you shared the link with everyone in case it had changed. There is so much out there, that it seems right to help each other out when we can. :)
Just clarifying: We are supposed to be doing the following:
1. Continue/finish reading the three texts.
2. Continue/finish reading the articles listed under "Getting Started". Notate these articles. Turn in the notations on March 1.
3. Continue finding, reading, and sharing information on Learning Commons, library web pages, and ways to utilize web 2.0 applications in the school library setting and with collaboration. Notate these resources and share them on the wiki.
Have I covered everything? Thanks.
Where do we turn in our reading log on Angel? I looked for the folder for this assgn. under Lessons, but didn't see one. Am I missing something?
Does anyone know how to renew the library card with King library. I was unable to access the online database today because my card expired! Thanks!
I had to call the King Library to reactivate it. I think you probably receive an e-mail from sladmin with the number... I'll post the number in my next post... I'll go through my e-mail
Ryan, Thank you. I did e-mail the circ desk, but I guess there is no immediate fix as the office is closed. I found the number to renew "(408) 808-2000 during regular hours or email circ.sjpl@sjlibrary.org"
Hi Erica, I'm also not seeing any place to turn in the reading log on Angel. Maybe it's just not posted up yet.
Hey All,
Cleaning out my files/delicious, etc found this link and thought you all might enjoy it.
Okay, this is now Fall 2009 - and I hope I'm in the right place. But am I really the first one from Fall to comment?
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